Lincoln, NE
About the Vine Foundation
The Vine Foundation exists today because many generous and far-sighted members of Vine Congregational UCC Church had a vision of helping fund the many ministries and missions of Vine Church and the wider community. Since its inception in 1988, the Vine Congregational UCC Foundation has fulfilled many grant requests to further the ministry of Vine Church and by providing funds to many charitable organizations in the Lincoln/Lancaster area.
We want to keep this vision alive and hope that you will consider a gift to the Vine Congregational UCC Foundation. Our possessions are a trust from God, who gives us the ability, the opportunity, and the good fortune to accumulate them. God blesses us with the enjoyment of the fruits of our labor .......... God also challenges the privileged with the responsibility of sharing those fruits with those who are less privileged.
The Vine Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization established by Articles of Incorporation and governed by a set of By-Laws.
The Vine Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors made up of members of Vine Congregational UCC Church. The Directors serve three-year terms and can be elected for two consecutive terms. The Board has a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Members of Vine Congregational UCC Church are automatically members of the Vine Foundation and can vote at its annual meetings.
The Vine Foundation funds are managed by Union Bank & Trust of Lincoln, Nebraska, under the direction of the Vine Foundation Board of Directors. The Union Bank team provides investment advice and oversight to maintain and grow the assets of the Foundation so that your gift to the Foundation will be used to support the ministries of Vine Church and the wider community for many years into the future.