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Vine's Ministry Teams


At Vine we have Ministry Teams which consist of a group of people who are interested in a particular task, event, mission, or ministry of the church.  Joining a ministry team connects you to other people who have the same interests and talents that you do. Below is a list of each ministry team and a brief description.  If you are interested in joining a ministry team, please complete the Ministry Team Signup sheet and return to the church office.

You may start a new Ministry Team by presenting your idea

to the Church Council for their blessing!

Worshiping Team:  The worship team is made up of people who like to help with, and enhance, the worship service. There are many tasks to do in preparation for worship such as handling the sanctuary décor, including alter cloths and flowers, and making sure the pew racks are in order. During worship, your gifts of ushering, reading scripture, providing the children’s message, or serving communion are needed. If you have an instrumental or vocal gift that you would like to share, this team may be for you. Also, if you are interested in working with audio visual and sound equipment, sign up for this team.


Learning Team:  There is something for people of all ages and many opportunities to serve in this ministry. You can utilize your talents and gifts by teaching our children, helping with the youth group or participating in the adult Sunday school class. This team also handles nursery duty so if you love holding babies and being around our younger children, this opportunity may be for you!


Connecting Team:  The Connecting Team is just what it sounds like… a group of people who plan and put on events to give us opportunities to have fellowship together and to reach out to the community. This team is involved with events such as church-sponsored receptions/dinners and public events (yard sale, Christmas Market, Easter party, etc.). Our Connecting Team brings us together for good food, good friends, and good times. If you are a social person, if you like to plan and help with special events and be part of our many public events that reach out to the community, this team might be for you!


Building & Grounds Team:  This team works on maintaining and enhancing our building and grounds. We have a beautiful church – inside and out – and we want to keep it that way. If you have maintenance skills, lawn and gardening skills, landscaping skills, etc., this team is for you!!


Caring Team:  This team exists to provide love and support to our members and friends. The Vine Callers contact and/or visit members who are homebound or in nursing homes and hospitals. This team also handles funeral receptions or luncheons that are often requested by the family. You can also use your talents to send cards to members and friends who are celebrating birthdays or special occasions or to provide encouragement and support to those in need.


Reaching Out Team If you have a heart for helping people in need, this may be the ministry team for you! Several of our monthly outreach projects have included collection of personal care items for the Friendship Home, providing funds to purchase backpacks for students who need them, and decorating a tree with mittens and scarves to give to the homeless. This team also works with a local food pantry by collecting funds and food to assist with the needs of the community. Another gift given by this team is having the members serve dinner once a month at the People’s City Mission.  This team would also provide Mission Education to the congregation.


Advocating Team:  The Advocating Team is a group of people who are passionate about local, national and global issues. Vine’s Creation Action Network (C.A.N.) includes a network of people interested in sharing information and concern for our creation and environmental justice issues. LGBTQIA+ supports Vine’s commitment to being open and affirming. Also, peace and justice issues may be brought to the forefront by this team.

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