Lincoln, NE

Worship With Us
Attend. Grow. Serve. Give.
Worship In Person
Sundays at 10:30 am
Our doors are open to you, and so are our hearts. All who enter are welcome to share in worship and fellowship.
God is at work in this place, through meaningful worship, warm fellowship, and genuine acceptance. Vine offers opportunities to study and serve, to build faith and friendships.
Online Worship Services
Watch Live on Facebook.
Watch On-Demand on YouTube.
Other Options
Watch on Spectrum TV on Tuesday at 9:00 am and Thursday at 2:00 pm on channels 1302 and 1304.
Have the sermon and bulletin mailed or emailed to you.

Worship Service 10:30 - 11:30 am
Sunday School All Ages 9:30 - 10:20 am
Special Services
During the year, we gather for special services in addition to our regular Sunday morning worship.
Holiday Services
Advent Services
Blue Christmas Service
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Easter Sunday
Special Services
Worship in the Park
Outdoor Worship
Backpack Blessing
Blessing of the Pets
All Saints Day
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Easter Morning Service
Outdoor Worship Service

Chancel choir
The Chancel Choir sings a wide range of music during the Sunday morning worship services. This choir rehearses every Sunday morning at 9:15 am from September to May.
There is no audition for the choir. Singing experience is welcome, but not required.

joyful noise
bell choir
The Joyful Noise Handbell Choir rings once a month during the Sunday morning worship service and during special worship services. The bell choir practices every Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 7:30 pm from September to May.
New ringers are always welcome. Prior ringing experience is not required, Training will be provided for beginners.

Please contact our church office for details regarding these services.